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Molly Snittjer Leads Environmental Justice Program Today
Apr 30

Molly Snittjer Leads Environmental Justice Program Today

Molly Snittjer is co-chairing the Chicago Bar Association's program Environmental Justice: Its Impact on Local Underserved Communities today beginning at 1. The program will highlight recent regulatory developments and actions taken by U.S. EPA and IEPA to implement environmental justice initiatives. Environmental justice leaders will…

Is Illinois Re-Thinking Causation in Toxic Tort Cases?
Jan 26

Is Illinois Re-Thinking Causation in Toxic Tort Cases?

Proving causation is a core element of any tort case. An individual cannot be sued for another’s injury if he played no role in the injury occurring. But this concept becomes much more complex in the context of a toxic-tort case. The medical conditions allegedly…

Prop 65 Update: OEHHA Takes Aim at Short-Form Warnings
Jan 16

Prop 65 Update: OEHHA Takes Aim at Short-Form Warnings

Proposed amendments seek sweeping changes to the popular short-form Prop 65 warning. Any company using this warning must revise their labeling. Companies will no longer be allowed to use the “just label everything” strategy as the short-form warning now will require identification of at least one…

PFAS Update: What Lawyers Need to Know
Dec 03

PFAS Update: What Lawyers Need to Know

In a recent article on the Chicago Bar Association's legal blog @thebar, Nijman Franzetti Partner Lynn Grayson equips lawyers in all practice areas with essential information they should know about per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) -- a category of synthetic chemicals used since the 1940's…

Nijman Franzetti Partners Recognized in 2021 Edition of “Best Lawyers in America”
Nov 26

Nijman Franzetti Partners Recognized in 2021 Edition of “Best Lawyers in America”

Nijman Franzetti LLP is pleased to announce that partners Susan Brice, Susan Franzetti, E. Lynn Grayson and Jennifer Nijman have each been included in the 2021 edition of Best Lawyers in America for Environmental Law, with E. Lynn Grayson being selected as the 2021 Environmental…