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Permitting and Compliance
U.S. EPA Announces September 6th PFAS Webinar
Aug 23

U.S. EPA Announces September 6th PFAS Webinar

U.S. EPA will host a webinar on September 6, 2023, from 1-2 CDT on its new Framework for Addressing PFAS and New Uses of PFAS under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). The Framework outlines U.S. EPA’s planned approach when reviewing new PFAS and new…

CSB Accidental Reporting Rule Update
Jul 07

CSB Accidental Reporting Rule Update

Nijman Franzetti welcomes guest blogger and college student, Annie Bart, to share this important update regarding recent CSB release reporting developments. Annie completed a shadow program with the firm in June and is interested in a career as an environmental lawyer. Thanks, Annie! Accidents happen,…

OEHHA Issues Proposed Amendments to Prop 65 Short-Form Product Warning Rules
Dec 23

OEHHA Issues Proposed Amendments to Prop 65 Short-Form Product Warning Rules

The California Office of Environmental Health Hazard  Assessment (OEHHA) published a notice of modified text on December 13, 2021 to its proposed short-form warning regulations of California’s Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Prop 65). OEHHA had initially proposed amendments to its…

Molly Snittjer Leads Environmental Justice Program Today
Apr 30

Molly Snittjer Leads Environmental Justice Program Today

Molly Snittjer is co-chairing the Chicago Bar Association's program Environmental Justice: Its Impact on Local Underserved Communities today beginning at 1. The program will highlight recent regulatory developments and actions taken by U.S. EPA and IEPA to implement environmental justice initiatives. Environmental justice leaders will…

Ready or Not New Prop 65 Regs Become Effective August 30, 2018
Aug 07

Ready or Not New Prop 65 Regs Become Effective August 30, 2018

Newly amended clear and reasonable warning regulations in California's Prop 65 take effect on August 30, 2018. The new regulations require consumers receive more detailed information about the hazards of over 900 listed chemicals including information about State resources, new warning notification requirements and chemical-specific warnings. Enacted in 1986, Prop…

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