To further assist parties buying, selling and redeveloping impacted properties, the IEPA now provides the option for an expedited review under the Agency’s Site Remediation Program. To obtain an expedited review, a Remediation Applicant must execute an expedited review agreement and pay an expedited review fee of $15,000.
The IEPA’s Site Remediation Program (SRP) is a voluntary program that allows parties to investigate and cleanup impacted properties and obtain a No Further Remediation Letter–often the critical component in facilitating the transfer and redevelopment of industrial and commercial sites. The reality is that the IEPA’s review and response time frames under the SRP do not always work for property transactions on a more accelerated schedule. The new expedited review option allows for greater regulatory flexibility in working with the State to obtain site closure and key liability protections.
The expedited review fee applies per submission (a single report or multiple reports submitted together at one time) and is in addition to any other fees incurred by the IEPA (i.e., regular fees for its review and evaluation services). An expedited review does not guarantee approval of the report(s) reviewed; rather, the agreement’s purpose is to achieve a shorter review time frame than might otherwise apply.
A working draft expedited review agreement is available from IEPA. Further questions and inquiries about the expedited review option may be directed to the IEPA’s Greg Dunn at or 217-785-2359 or Neelu Lowder at or 217-524-4826.